B E A M s c e n e

Life in the Elixir & Erlang ecosystems.

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About BEAMscene

BEAMscene is a collaborative blog built by members of the first Dockyard Academy cohort. Our focus is on the fascinating family of programming languages that run on the BEAM virtual machine, each of which presents a unique perspective on the past, present, and future of computing—a perspective strongly informed, in some significant way, by the Erlang worldview. But what is this worldview, really? Where does the BEAM begin and end? What is its true shape and extent?

BEAMscene embraces a nonconventional approach to reading about and thinking with programming. Beyond purely technical discussions, we seek out BEAM languages as they are spoken in "the real world"—by humans, in cultural as much as engineering practice. How does one come to feel affection for a programming paradigm? What impulse makes an investor throw a million dollars at an all-Elixir stack? What's an afterparty at a Code Sync conference like?

With us, uncover the under-appreciated people and stories that sustain on the computer-science genius of SMP. Expect contributions from folks working in Elixir, Erlang, Gleam, Luerl, Clojerl, Caramel, Alpaca...maybe even Fika!

Written in Elixir, Phoenix, TailwindCSS, and PostgresQL. Deployed on the incredible Fly.io.

@lgmfred, @mvkvc, and @einariii

1. The system must be able to handle very large numbers of concurrent activities.

http://www.erlang.org/ http://clojerl.org/ http://joxa.org/

2. Actions must be performed at a certain point in time or within a certain time.

https://github.com/kapok-lang/kapok https://github.com/the-concurrent-schemer/scm

3. Systems may be distributed over several computers.

https://github.com/alpaca-lang/alpaca https://caramel.run/ https://cuneiform-lang.org

4. The system is used to control hardware.

https://wende.github.io/elchemy/ https://github.com/etnt/eml https://github.com/kjnilsson/fez https://github.com/fika-lang/fika

5. The software systems are very large.

https://gleam.run https://github.com/hamler-lang/hamler https://github.com/etnt/Haskerl

6. The system exhibits complex functionality such as, feature interaction.

https://github.com/lenary/idris-erlang https://github.com/chrrasmussen/Idris2-Erlang https://purerl.fun/ https://github.com/rufus-lang/rufus

7. The systems should be in continuous operation for many years.

https://github.com/gfngfn/Sesterl http://efene.org/ http://elixir-lang.org/ https://github.com/bragful/ephp

8. Software maintenance (reconfiguration, etc) should be performed without stopping the system.

https://github.com/joearms/erl2 https://github.com/rvirding/erlog https://github.com/tonyrog/ffe https://github.com/marianoguerra/interfix

9. There are stringent quality, and reliability requirements.

https://github.com/rvirding/luerl https://otpcl.github.io/ http://reia-lang.org/ https://github.com/zotonic/template_compiler https://github.com/extend/xerl

10. Fault tolerance both to hardware failures, and software errors, must be provided.

Bjarne Däcker. Concurrent functional programming for telecommunications: A case study of technology introduction. November 2000. Licentiate Thesis.